Saturday, July 1, 2017

July 1, 2017 - A Rock So Big!

A Rock So Big!

One of the arguments against the existence of God is omnipotence.  That is a word that means all-powerful.  God is usually described as being all-powerful.  As a Christian, I believe this.  One of the more popular arguments against omnipotence goes something like this.  Imagine the following converstion.
Christian: God is omnipotent.
Philosopher: What does that mean?
Christian: God is all-powerful.  He can do anything.
Philosopher: Can God do anything?
Christian: Yes, He can.
Philosopher: Can God create a rock so large that he cannot pick it up?
Christian: Of course.
Philosopher: Then I just proved your god is not omnipotent.
Christian: How so?
Philosopher: Because he can’t pick up that rock.  He is not powerful enough to do that.
Christian: Wait!  Let me rephrase that.  He can’t create a rock that big.
Philosopher: Then your god can’t do everything, so he is not omnipotent.

In this scenario, the philosopher just stumped the Christian.  You might have encountered this or you might one day.  So it is important you know how to answer this, because both are wrong.  The problem with this is that some vital information is missing.  Neither understands God’s nature.  God has a nature that He works in, as does the entire universe He created.
Here are some examples of operating within something’s nature.  As a human, I can run, but I can’t outrun a cheetah.  I can swim, but can’t outswim a dolphin.  I can see, but not as good as an eagle.
Likewise, God has His own nature.  His omnipotence must be considered within his nature.  God for example cannot lie.  Within his nature is truth and honesty.  In John, Jesus proclaimed that He is the way, the TRUTH, and the life.  His nature is honesty.  The idea of creating a rock so big that God cannot pick it up is a paradox that atheists use.  Basically a paradox is a lie.  God cannot create something bigger than himself.  But that does not negate His omnipotence.  He can do anything that is within his nature.
Matt Slick says it like this, “Not being able to do this does not mean He is not God, nor that He is not omnipotent.  Omnipotence is not the ability to do anything conceivable, but the ability to do anything consistent with His nature and consistent with His desire within the realm of His unlimited and universal power which we do not possess.”
God cannot violate His own nature.  If He did, He would be contradictory.  If He were contradictory, he would not be truthful.  So to create a rock this big contradicts God’s nature of being truthful.
Take a look at the definition of a rock.  “A large piece of material that has become detached from a mountain or cliff.  Mineral material forming part of the surface of the other, or another planet.”  A rock is smaller than a boulder.  A rock, by definition, is not infinitely large.  It is a part of something.  So the question does not make sense considering the size of a rock.
We likewise can find a definition of God.  It includes being the creator and sustainer of the Universe.  Most Christians would agree that God is bigger than the Universe that He created.  Even people who do not believe in God, believe that the definition of God means someone bigger than the Universe.  So if God is bigger than the Universe, how can He create something bigger than Himself?  If He is the biggest, how can there be something bigger?  If He is the strongest, how can there be something too difficult for Him?  The idea of a rock too big for God is contradictory to the nature of who God is.  He cannot do something contradictory, because contradiction is a lie.
God is not illogical, though this question is if you know who God is.  God is truthful, so he cannot create a paradox.  And yes, God is omnipotent.

1 comment:

July 8, 2017 - Monte Blanco

Monte Blanco  Imagine sitting on a hill, under the blue skies with green farmlands stretched before you, surrounded by the hills of the ...