Monday, April 17, 2017

April 17, 2017 - Reflections on Easter

Reflections on Easter

It is cold this morning.  A chilly surazo blew in yesterday and it grew colder overnight.  It feels much like it would on a chilly Texas morning in April.  You need a jacket to start the day, but will most likely be inn short sleeves in the afternoon.  It is a morning of reflection, wrapped in my blanket.

Several things struck me about Easter this year that I want to share.

My first thought was about Thursday evening in Cochabamba.  What a beautiful city.  There are churches everywhere!  Christ resurrected is not the central focus of these churches.  A glorified Mary often is, or Christ on the Cross.  A side chapel here in Santa Cruz, has a beautiful image of the resurrected Christ.  How much more appropriate for it to be center stage.  These people need prayer that they understand the true meaning of our faith. 

There was a man in front of the beautiful fountain in Cochabamba.  He was preaching with such passion.  But nobody noticed him.  Teens were sitting a few feet away taking selfies.  Children chased pigeons at his feet.  A man walked by him and sneered.  His message was simple.  Mary can’t save you.  Saints can’t save you.  Money can’t save you.  Only Christ can save you.  I think I was the only person listening to him and that made me feel so sad.

Yesterday, I got up as normal to go to church.  As I left my building, I saw the same things as normal.  People going for a walk.  A lady walking the dog.  A jogger.  A quiet morning in my neighborhood.  As I am in the taxi going to church, I passed three busy markets.  Nothing seemed in any way different for the people.  It was a day off to shop in the market.

I arrived at church a bit early and I was glad for that.  Everybody showed up.  As the song service progressed, more and more people filled the church.  I ended up being surrounded by about a dozen young men.  They were clapping to the music and raising their hands in worship.  I thank God for a church that is raising up young men to serve.  There always will be devout women, but a church needs devout men, and Berea has that.

Pastor Percy spoke about the resurrection.  I remember one phrase he said.  “You can visit the cemetery and dig up any grave and you will find bones.  You can go to Christ’s tomb and there are no bones, because he didn’t stay there.” 

Paul wrote one of the most important verses about the resurrection and why it is more important than the crucifixion.  1 Corinthians 15:17 says, “If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins.”  That puts us back under the Law.  But He has been resurrected, which is the promise that I, a sinner, will be resurrected one day.

My last thought about Easter was Bristol Baptist Church.  The road to church was probably crowded with bluebonnet tourists.  Everybody showed up, even those who don’t come every week.  Pastor, as always, preached a fiery sermon.  Afterwards there were pictures in our Easter best and an Easter egg hunt.  Yes, I missed all that.

Happy Easter everybody.

1 comment:

  1. Love your reflections. Have a blesse week.


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