Thursday, April 6, 2017

April 6, 2017 - Settling In

Settling In

I was so ravaged by mosquitos my first day in Samaipata that I thought I would go insane.  If one wasn’t biting me on the leg, a fly was buzzing my face, or a gnat trying to land in my ear.  I couldn’t take it.  I was on a mission!
My first day was exhausting, but productive.  Approaching 60, things make me more tired than in the past.  I tried a nap in the hammock, but every time I dozed I either felt that fateful bite on the ankle or heard the buzz in my ear.  So at 8:30, after a meal of curried chicken, I was ready for bed.

The night was cool and quiet.  Sleep came quickly.  Until I heard the buzzing again.  I saw that Fernando and Mariela had these Raid tablets.  I didn’t know how they were used.  I expected some sort of apparatus that is plugged in, but couldn’t find anything.  I used more Off cream, but I had already used so much that my eyes were turning red.  I took an allergy pill, which makes me sleepy.  Somehow, fatigue and allergy pills, I fell asleep.
I awoke hungry for eggs.  I remembered a nice restaurant on the plaza where I had a good “American” breakfast.  That includes eggs, bacon, bread, juice, and tea.  Perfect breakfast.  But through the whole meal I was attacked by flies.  It seemed to me they were laughing at the Off cream.  So I was off to find something to combat mosquitos and flies.

There is a little grocery store on the plaza.  The lady sells everything, only it is about the size of an average living room.  She was on the phone, so I looked around.  I saw some Off spray and some insect spray for the room.  I got both.  Finally, she got off the phone and I asked if she had any mosquito candles or something like that.  She dug out an apparatus for the Raid tablets.  I bought one, only to discover the one at the house ten minutes later.  So while I am here, I have two to use and can bring one home with me.
Meals are cheap here.  I can probably eat nicely for 100 to 150 Bs. a day, but eating like that is not my goal.  I want to write and have wondered if in the future I could live here for a few months.  The only way to know is to do the things I do at home, like cook.  After a shower, plugging in the Raid, and washing some clothes, I went to the market so I could buy a few things to cook.

The market is about a 7-minute walk from the house.  I bought eggs, cheese, butter, and rice.  With butter and eggs, I can make scrambled eggs in the morning.  With rice, I can make an easy dinner.  My plans were to eat a nice lunch and skip going out to eat for breakfast and dinner.  Along the way home, I stopped at a pasteleria and bought a slice of fig pie and another of apple pie.  Lastly, I stopped at a pizzeria and bought a pizza to bring home.  With ample food, I can write a few days.
I know this is a boring blog.  I’m only talking about the ordinary things of life.  But it is those ordinary things that make the extraordinary events so important.  We forget that we have to do things like wash clothes, clean house, and go to the market.  We want every day to be a glamorous party.  That is not the reality of life.  How we settle in and make a life for us is much more important.
Now that the bugs are under control and I have food, I can spend the next seven days writing.

I hope soon to have my third novel in print. You can order my first two while you wait.


  1. So you are in Samapita for seven days? If so, how glamorous - glad bugs are under control. Mosquitos have been driving Cris and I off of the front porch. AND the little bird that has made a next to lay eggs in atop one of the pedestals - I am not leaving alone. I saw it flying in and out of the next - now I don't have the nerve to knock it's next down. Maybe it will eat a mosquito or two.

  2. I am NOW leaving the little bird alone.


July 8, 2017 - Monte Blanco

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