Friday, April 7, 2017

April 7, 2017 - Writing Break in Samaipata

A Writing Break in Samaipata

You make plan after plan, thinking all your time will be spent writing, but things get in the way. 
My friends, Fernando and Mariela, have a beautiful little house in Samaipata, Bolivia.  Samaipata is still in the Santa Cruz province, but a three hour drive out of the plains and into the mountains.  It is a small place of just 4000 people.  It looks like the old Bolivia that I knew in the 80s.  Houses are simple, in most cases.  Streets are relatively quiet (you can walk down the middle of the street, unlike Santa Cruz where that would get you killed).  Their garden just might be one of the ten most peaceful places on the planet!

I planned to write a few hours each day, but things distracted me, like sleeping late, looking for breakfast, deciding which hammock to take a nap in, and stuff like that.  I have been doing a Bible reading for Lent, with the intent of reading the entire New Testament during Lent.  I was doing that too, but the hammock I was reading in, hypnotized me into sleep more than once.
But that did not mean I was not writing.  I had a stack of notes that I had made over the last few weeks and one page of notes I made in November that I found recently.  I have some completed chapters and some just with a description of what I want to accomplish.  One of my days in Samaipata I got really energetic and put all the notes in the various chapters, even creating whole scenes with dialogue and description.  I was having a blast getting all that recorded.

Then the unthinkable happened.  Word shut down on me.  I don’t know what happened, but one second, I was typing and the next Word shut down.  When I reopened my novel, there was nothing on it from that day.  Those notes had added over 10 pages to my novel and they were gone.   I was devastated!  I was running around the house shouting, “No, no, no!”
But I stopped myself and reminded myself that “all things work together for the good of them that love the Lord.”  I love the Lord.  My first two novels are clean, but could not be termed “Christian.”  I am praying and asking people to pray that this novel is accurate to the Bible, has a message of redemption and forgiveness, and an enjoyable read too.  I want to finish it in a month or so, but I have no deadline.  So why would it matter if I lost a day.

The next morning I woke up, bought breakfast in the market, came back to the Little Garden of Eden, and started recording my notes again.  On my second try, it was better than the day before.  Instead of adding 10 pages, I added 12.  Sometimes you just have to trust.

Now if I can just get out of that hammock!

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