Sunday, April 2, 2017

April 2, 2017 - The Avion Pirata

The Avion Pirata

Come to the First Ring with me and you will see a little plaza that has an airplane sitting in the middle of it.  An airplane?  Why?  Let me tell you the story.
The Avion Pirata was a Lockheed Constellation that had previously flown for Braniff International Airlines before being sold to the Empire Supply Company in 1960.  Planes like this one and others were used to transport contraband items to Argentina and Chile, both under oppressive dictatorships at the time.  Usually they would land and take off at the Trompillo Airport on the south side of Santa Cruz in the middle of the night.  Money was exchanged so, of course, nobody seemed to care.

Except one flight took off in the middle of the day on Saturday, July 29, 1961.  That was something that just could not be allowed to happen.  When the dispatcher at the control tower asked why they were making an unauthorized flight, they said they were just making a practice flight.  He ordered them to land, but they ignored the order.  The order was repeated and was ignored again.
Two P-51 Mustang fighter jets were sent to chase the plane.  The plane continued to ignore messages from the tower to land, so the P-51s began to take a few shots at the plane.  Damaged, the plane turned around in the direction of the Trompillo, but the plane dived to try to get the P-51s off their tail, causing one jet to crash.  Captain Alberto Peredo Céspedes, the pilot, died as his plane crashed.
Cespedes is on the far right.

The plane landed safely and the crew was arrested on the spot.  Mysteriously, all five crew members disappeared without a trace in November of 1961, most likely money exchanged hands again.
How was a pirate airplane allowed to land at a military facility?  There was corruption in the ranks. The investigation that followed led to the arrest of 85 soldiers and the dishonorable discharge of another 130. 

Several years later the plane was moved to Boris Banzer Prada Park on the Avenida Uruguay, the eastern section of the First Ring.  It remains a favorite tourist attraction of the people of Santa Cruz.
Adapted from an article


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