Friday, April 28, 2017

April 28, 2017 - Dragons!


I was standing under the great beast, feeling its deep call across the dry valley in Chuquisaca, near Sucre.  Every time it called, I could feel it in my bones.  But I was not afraid.  This beast made me feel warmth and protection, as strange as that seemed.  Yes, Job said they could not be trained, but who would want to?

In Job chapter 40, it describes an animal much like the titanosaur I was standing under.

“Look at Behemoth,

which I made along with you

and which feeds on grass like an ox. 

What strength it has in its loins

What power in the muscles of its belly!

Its tail sways like a cedar; the sinews of its thighs are close-knit.

Its bones are tubes of bronze,

Its limbs like rods of iron.

It ranks first among the works of God,

Yet its Maker can approach it with his sword.

The hills bring it their produce,

And the wild animals play nearby.

Under the lotus plants it lies,

Hidden under the reeds of the marsh.

The lotuses conceal it in their shadow;

The poplars by the stream surround it.

A raging river does not alarm it;

It is secure, though the Jordan should surge against its mouth.

Can anyone capture it by the eyes,

Or trap it and pierce its nose?”

These creatures must have survived the Flood of Genesis for Job to witness them in the waters of the Jordan, which must have been a more powerful river than it is now.  I can imagine standing under his belly and hearing, as well as feeling, his echoing call across the Jordan Valley.

Today, November 25, I visited the Parque Cretácico, Cretaceous Park.  I was told by friends that I could see a place where thousands of dinosaur tracks have been uncovered.  The cement factory, which surrounds the park, uncovered the footprints.  A vertical slab of rock, hundreds of feet long and over a hundred feet high, contains tracks of 15 species of dinosaurs, including a 347-meter trail of a T-Rex, nicknamed Johnny Walker.

As a creationist, I believe these were most likely laid down during the Flood of Genesis.  Many evolutionists won’t agree with me.  I won’t argue with them about it, or go into all the details that make me believe in the Flood, but the historical record of men like Job, so perfectly describing one of the great dinosaurs, makes me believe.  There are other historical accounts besides the one of Job.

The prints are not well-preserved.  It is estimated that most will be destroyed by erosion by 2020.  Bolivia is a poor country and lacks the resources to preserve them.  At the moment, half of Bolivia is suffering a severe drought, leaving a large portion of the population with little or no water.  I doubt Bolivia can do anything to save the tracks.

This little park, with dozens of life-like dinosaurs, will make you dream of a time when man walked with the dinosaurs.


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