Wednesday, May 17, 2017

May 17, 2017 - Afternoon in Cochabamba

Afternoon in Cochabamba

My last afternoon in Cochabamba was spent looking for several art galleries in the center of the city.  I have to say, once you walk through the places of art in a city, and experience the creative beauty of the artists, you forget you are in a third world country.

First on my list was the Salon de Exposiciones Mario Unzueta.  I found it easily, but was not so impressed by the art on display.  It looked like what my nieces and nephews would draw at school, only theirs are typically better.  I couldn’t even find one picture I wanted of the place.

On the Plaza 14 de Septiembre was the Salon de Exposiciones Walter Terrazas.  There were some beautiful pieces of art here.  If I had money, there are a few I would have bought, especially with scenes of mountain villages.  If I ever move to Cochabamba, I will most likely check this out regularly to see new art on display.

On the other side of the Plaza was the Museo Casona Santivañez.  I circled the block twice before I found it.  This was most likely an old house built around a patio, the style I love.  It was beautifully restored.  Around the patio were dozens of statues, both traditional and modern.  The rooms featured different artists and sculptures.  One room was filled with old photographs and glass topped tables filled with memorabilia. I am sure these people were famous Cochabambans, but I didn’t recognize the names.  The next time I return, I want to spend time studying these people.

The last museum took me a while to find.  I probably walked a mile or more, going around several blocks more than once.  I found it, but it was closed.  I was tired from walking, so returned to the Plaza to sit at a nice restaurant and drink a soda while writing. 

I am not sure if it was fatigue or not, but I was feeling sad that my time in Cochabamba was at an end.

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