Friday, May 26, 2017

May 26, 2017 - The Myth of Climate Change

The Myth of Climate Change

The polar ice caps are melting.  The seas are rising so rapidly that soon our coastal cities will be under water.  Drought is ravaging the world.  People are starving around us.  If we don’t do something now, the world will be unlivable in just a few decades.
I read these articles on the Internet and I am terrified!  Well, no I am not.  Because I don’t believe it. 
But, Mark, it is scientifically proven to be true.  How can you not believe?
Let me share just a few facts about why I don’t believe that it is true.

First, some predictions meant to scare us into action have not materialized.  Jim Hansen of NASA predicted in 1988 that the West Side Highway in New York City would be underwater in 20 to 40 years.  At the rate the sea has risen since his prediction, we still have another 1000 years to go.  In 2007, Al Gore said the Polar Ice Cap would be gone by 2015.  It’s still there and has grown by 76%.  Hurricanes were predicted to increase, yet we are now at 50 year lows.  The Max Planck Institute said to expect snow and frost to disappear in the next decade (September 2008), yet what followed were several of the snowiest winters on record and no country has seen a decrease in snowfall.  The UN predicted in 2005 that by the year 2014 world temperatures would rise by 1 to 2 degrees centigrade.  Yet we have had 16 straight years of no temperature change.  In 2011, the news media across the US was saying we have more monster tornados from now on, yet F3 tornados are declining.  Those are just a few.

Greenland is my pet-peeve.  As a kid, you probably asked why is Greenland called Greenland and Iceland called Iceland?  Aren’t they opposite of that?  Well, not really.  Iceland is covered in glaciers.  You cannot trek from east to west or from north to south.  Huge glaciers get in the way.  The only way to get around Iceland, past the ice, is to go on the highway that circles the island. 
Greenland is 80% covered in a glacier, but the early explorers did not know that.  Exploration and colonization of Greenland began from Iceland, Norway, and Denmark in the 900s.  Historical records and recent ice core samples show that Greenland was warmer then than it is today.  Ice core samples show a warm period from about 850 to 1200, which matches historical data.  The Vikings found a “green” land.  Certainly, not all of Greenland, but in the southwest corner was a land green enough to farm.  About a century later, it began to be too cold for farming, so Greenlanders lived off sheep and cattle.  But a century after that they couldn’t even raise animals.  Most left by the 1200s.
Those who argue against global warming caused by man point to obvious warm periods in history.  Around the time of Christ, the world was warmer than it is today, but was followed by a cold period that pushed nomadic Germans and Celts to look for warmer lands.  The Germanic invasions led to the destruction of Rome.
Around 1300, the world entered into what many call the Little Ice Age. Did you ever wonder why the people of the Middle Ages and Renaissance wore so many clothes?  Well, it is because it was colder!  This period is called the Little Ice Age.  Most think it lasted from about 1300 to about 1850 and seemed to affect the North Atlantic more than the rest of the world, except the world was not keeping records, so we really don’t know.  This is why you will see paintings of frozen rivers that don’t freeze now, or read stories by Dickens of London covered in snow (London doesn’t get a lot of snow now).  Lisbon got as many as 8 snowstorms a year.  The colonies in Greenland vanished.  The Pilgrims died from severe winters.  It was colder.  Since 1850 we have gradually become warmer.

I could go one with evidence refuted by science and history, but some would call me a denier.  Well, I am denying it.  There is no proof that the world is getting warmer and even less proof that man is the cause. 
Why then is this the agenda in governments around the world?  It is political, of course.  Just a few days ago, I wrote this about overpopulation scares:
“Why are we being told that overpopulation is going to destroy the planet?  I believe it is political.  If people believe that the world is about to collapse around them, they will be willing to let government take over.  I am almost 60 and my entire life has seen a push toward a one-world government, that will limit our freedoms for the benefit of all mankind.  The United Nations, the European Union, and NAFTA are just such examples.  They allow you to be wealthy, but scare you into believing your wealth is about to disappear.  Will you have water in a decade?  Will you be able to eat as well when you are 80 as you can now?  Will the billions of starving invade the US and take all that we have?  That is what they want you to think about, so you give them power.
“As a Christian, I will never support a one-world government.  Who will be in charge?  Who will decide what freedoms are acceptable?  Will I be able to worship freely in this new one-world nation, or will my religion be accused of oppression?  Who decides things like abortion, family size, or euthanasia for the elderly?  How do we know this is not opening the door for the Anti-Christ?”
The reasons are the same.  If you believe that man is destroying the environment, you will let the government take more and more control of your life.  That isn’t to say that reducing carbon-monoxide into the air, cleaning up trash, preserving green spaces, or reducing pollution are not good things.  But giving up your freedom to a government because of false scientific reports is not the answer.
I, as a Christian, want a cleaner earth.  I want the environment cared for.  I want animal species to increase, rather than decrease.  I want a beautiful world, but not at the price being demanded.

My Grandmother liked to quote this verse any time someone says something about Global Warming, “As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.”  That was God’s promise to Noah as he left the ark.

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