Sunday, May 28, 2017

May 28, 2017 - Coffee, Art, and Haircut

Coffee, Art, and Haircut

Enjoying a cappuccino, listening to the rain, and writing.  That’s how my morning started at the Café Patrimonio near the Plaza.  A cool breeze was blowing when I left my apartment, inviting me to walk.  When I arrived at the café, it started a light rain.

It has barely been a month since I was introduced to this place, but I have already been back a dozen times.  Spending $4 for a coffee and a cuñapé (a South American cheese roll), sitting on a lovely patio, surrounded by rooms filled with art, and listening to classical music, is one of the best medicines for the heart.  I always leave feeling uplifted.
I had a haircut appointment at 11:00, but that gave me time to see a new art exhibit at Manzana Uno.  There was a new artist named Leoni exhibited there.  I fell in love with his art immediately looking at a picture called “After the Rain.”  It looked like one of the Chiquitano churches of eastern Santa Cruz.  It was mostly blue and did look like what you’d expect after a rain storm.  The price on it was $650!  I wish I had the money for it, but there are more important things than having more things in my house.  The other paintings on display were in reds and browns, what I’d imagine seeing looking at the Chiquitano towns.  I’ve got to go there soon!

Elie was waiting for me when I went in for my haircut.  She and I have the most interesting conversations.  She fusses about my beard, but always says she makes me look handsome when I leave.  She was talking to me about visiting Montero and Warnes to the north of Santa Cruz.  It sounds about as easy going to these two towns as going to Cotoca or Samaipata, so you can expect a visit there soon.  Maybe even this week.

I wasn’t quite ready to go home and clean my house.  I needed something else to avoid that monstrosity for one more day.  So I went back to the Plaza for lunch at La Pascana.  Upon entering, I was debating whether to sit inside or on the patio.  Sebastian, my waiter, said if I sat on the patio, I’d be his first customer of the day.  Being assigned to the patio on a rainy day meant no customers.  It wasn’t raining, so I sat on the patio.  Before I left, he had three more tables filled with customers.  Sometimes it only takes one to get something started.
One of the things that amazes me regularly is the quality I can get here in Santa Cruz.  I had picaña, which is grilled chopped steak.  On the side were fries, veggies, and a soda.  A steak like this in Ennis would probably cost $20 (I’m thinking of two places in particular), without the sides or drink.  This only cost me $10. 

I leave a big tip for these guys who wait on me, Sebastian, Fabiola, and Jorge.  Though I don’t think $5 is a big tip, they seem to think so.  They treat me like a celebrity.  They discovered I am a writer, so I guess to them I am Hemmingway.  Today I brought one of my books, because Fabiola wanted to see it.
“Why isn’t it in Spanish?” they asked.
Well, my Spanish isn’t that good.  But it is nice to be appreciated.  I make a point of returning here at least once a week, sometimes twice.  
How blessed I am to have days like this!  Thank you, Father!

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