Wednesday, May 31, 2017

May 31, 2017 - Rainy Saturday

This was a blog I posted back in the fall.  It is one of the last old blogs that I am reposting.  Hope you enjoy.
After an entire week of running a fever, I woke up this Saturday morning feeling ok.  Sometime during the night my fever broke.  So I felt I needed to get out of the house.  Only problem is that I also woke up to a steady rain.

I have had plans for a few weeks to get up early one Saturday morning and take pictures for some upcoming blogs.  I am doing ones for the Chiriguano statue, the Madre India statue, the Cañoto Statue, the Avion Pirata, and the cemetery.  That would mean that I would need to walk the First Ring again.  I could stay home and grade papers and make lesson plans, and then later write some of my new novel, but the green was calling me.  So I took a shower and got out of the house by 9:00.
It was raining outside, not heavy, just a light steady rain.  I stopped at the ATM next door, because I had just a few dollars in cash, then crossed the Plaza Blacut.  I took the picture you see below of the reflections in the rain puddles.  It was not hot, but steamy.  The humidity was 100% at least!  So an old guy like me was quickly covered in sweat.

I stopped for a few minutes at the Starbucks for a café mocha blanco.  I also ordered a cuñapé, the delicious little cheese rolls we have here. Looking out on Avenida Velarde, I could see more rain.  For a few minutes it was heavy.  In places it was flooding the street.  I watched a car hydroplane, but that never slows them down.  I saw a lady get drenched as a car went by.  Drivers here are aggressive.  A little gnat was bothering me.  He really wanted to make his home in my eye, so I decided it was time to brave the rain.

I walked through my barrio to get to Avenida las Americas, so I was close to the Madre India.  Away from traffic, the little barrio was so peaceful.  Flowers blooming in profusion.  The light dripping of the rain.  The scents of jasmine and someone’s breakfast.  I could live in this barrio forever. 

Soon I was at the Madre India.  With the gray skies, I am not sure how my pictures will look.  I might need to return one hot afternoon when the sun is just right. 

The rain was too heavy and I had too far to go, so I took a taxi to the cemetery.  I don’t know what you think of cemeteries, but to me they are not creepy.  They are an expression of the culture in a vivid way.  It speaks of death, yes, but also the love between families.  The Santa Cruz Cemetery is one of the most beautiful little parks in this city.  And it is quiet!  It is on the busy First Ring, but it is quiet.  The rush of the city vanishes behind its walls and you have a few moments to contemplate your mortality.

Still with more rain, I took another taxi to the Avion Pirata.  There is an interesting story why an airplane is in the middle of the city.  You’ll just have to wait for my upcoming blog.  I took a trufi to the Cañoto statue.  A trufi is like a taxi, but they take multiple passengers and go on a specified route.  This one just goes around the First Ring.  Besides, the Cañoto statue is half the First Ring away. 

I have already written blogs on the Madre India, Cañoto, and Avion Pirata.  I just needed some pictures.  I haven’t written a blog on the cemetery yet, but will after I finish this one. 

I cut through town to walk by the Plaza and look for a museum I had heard about.  I saw the windows, but a lady let me in to see it is just a very pretty building in rubble.  So I walked on home, stopping by Teconté for some lunch, and here I am now, finishing this blog.

Hope your Saturday was beautiful.  I know October in Texas can be incredibly gorgeous.

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